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Holiday Crafts and Gift Ideas

Holiday Crafts and Gift Ideas
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This is a fabulous list of projects you can do for the holidays or to give as gifts- and many are kid-friendly!


Easy Holiday Crafts & Gift Ideas
Here at Trading Phrases I only do projects that my kids can help out with- they not only LOVE It, but they learn how to craft things and use their skills to create things that will carry memories for years to come. With every project I tackle I have the little ones help with sanding, painting, or applying decals... and we have a ton of fun! If some of these projects look less than perfect, well, that is because they are. 

I've compiled a list of several of our past crafts that are either great for holiday decor or are a great gift to give your husband (daddy), family, or even teachers. Don't stop here, we have hundreds of blogs and projects! Read through the rest HERE. Don't forget, if you click on any of the images below you will be taken to the blog showing you how to do it yourself and what materials you will need. All of these are KID FRIENDLY, so make sure you get them to help. 

1. Countdown Chalkboard
In our house this is a staple year-round and it just gets more fun for the holidays! My daughter loves writing her numbers out as we count down (great practice) and when it is not Christmas we count down to all sorts of things! First day of school, Sleepover, Daddy comes home (he is military), PIZZA NIGHT (a favorite of hers)... the list truly can go on forever. This is fun because you can always count on having something to look forward to, even if it is silly. 
Read the blog on how to do this one yourself, HERE

2. The Stockings Were Hung Hanger

So this one is truly seasonal, but so worth it in our home. We don't have a mantel, and we needed somewhere to hang stockings! I thought about using command hooks on the wall, but I wanted something more festive. I decided that this little board would be a cute addition I could take out yearly (and not have to keep re-buying command strips). Looking back, I should have made it a bit longer to make room for future babies (or baby as the case may be), but you can learn from my mistakes! Create your own, read the blog HERE

I have a photo of my daughter helping with this one I just had to share, she was so cute and little! 
3. Shadowboxes
I HAD to include these because they are just so gosh darn versatile! I love the ability to change them up seasonally (but I made one for each season, woops), and personalize them with little trinkets! We kept this "Let it snow" one and my daughter has added her own little memory items to it every year as we go. You can also poke holes in the back and stick twinkle lights through for an added adorable factor- but that is up to you. See the different ones we made HERE

4. DIY Height Chart

This has to be one of the most beloved items in our house. You can't imagine the joy kids get out of the accomplishment of GROWING. It is easy and it is sweet- and you can knock this baby out in 30 minutes flat. No joke. My kids love it because they can see their progress and they love oogling how "tiny" they used to be... and I love it because it looks rustic and beautiful and ties into my decor! If you are going to make one thing from this blog, it should be THIS

5. Personal Pyrex
I can't tell you how many potlucks I go to October-December. I leave each and every one of them with a compliment on my pyrex! I have tried and true recipes that get gobbled up fast (email us for a recipe), so everyone can see the darling monogramming at the bottom of the dish. It helps when there are 5 of the same pyrex pans on the table and the food is long gone- I can swipe mine up without a problem! The photo above is the one I made for my parents, but the blog will show you some other ideas and links to more. This one is easy, but toxic- so please supervise children. Read more HERE

6. Old Window Upcycling
If you haven't yet heard the term "upcycle" it means to take something old and used up and give it new life. Old windows are a great item to upcycle since they can be found practically everywhere (flea markets and craigslist are where I found mine) and they give that perfect large glass surface to decorate. The blog has a few ideas for different looks, but the one above is my favorite. 

7. Drink Local Bottle Opener
So my main squeeze loves beer... and it is becoming harder and harder to get him "beer gifts" since he already has every pilsner and stein he could possibly need. Beer lovers tend to be simple, and my husband is no exception. With his love of beer and his home state I thought that the perfect tie in would be a beer opener he could mount to our kitchen wall so he doesn't have to rifle through the drawers for his 'perfectly balanced' opener any longer. I plan on giving this to him for Christmas, so we'll see how it goes over... but I put this one up in our office (yeah, Trading Phrases has beer Friday) and it has been met with resounding huzzahs! By the way, it truly couldn't be easier to pull off, read the steps HERE

8. Weekly Menu
This one was purely for myself- but would make a wonderful gift for YOUR mom, grandma, your kiddo's teacher, or anyone else who has to plan meals (most families I would imagine). I don't know what I'd do without this little guy. I'm a planner, and with this menu I can keep our meals diverse, know what is coming up (and what I need to buy or defrost), and keep my head above water. I have since this post changed out the backing to something less... busy, but everything else remains the same. Crazy simple, and insanely helpful. Can't beat that! Read more HERE.

9. I Love You Because...
I have now made this for every bedroom in my house. Yeah, that makes me sound like a crazy sap, but I am a firm believer in reminding people they are loved. I made this for my husband when he came home from his first deployment- we would erase each-other's note and scribble down something new any time we saw it and it was a great way to remind each other that we care for one another. It also got harder as time went on and we didn't want to re-use the same "because(s)" over and over- which was good! When my daughter got old enough to know what this was she demanded her own, and I happily obliged. When she was too young to write I drew pictures. Now the baby has one, even though he has absolutely no concept- so it can be fun to write sarcastic notes on his "I love you because you only pooped ONCE today." Put your own spin on this with different backing or change it out seasonally, it will be a treasured part of your daily routine. I can't tell you how big my smile was the first time I saw my daughter had written something back to me. Aww. Read HERE.  

10. Create Your Own
Decals make fantastic mediums for crafting and creating projects. Not only are they simple to apply (to practically anything) they are versatile and beautiful. I cannot possibly do every craft out there or come up with every use for decals- but you certainly can put your own spin on almost anything! Click HERE to create your own decal for something you are working on. Let me know how it turns out!! 

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About the Author

Samantha Vargo

Samantha is a lady of many talents. When not playing with fun fonts and designs at Trading Phrases she enjoys the outdoors immensely- with her husband, their  6 year old daughter, 1 year old son, & 7 year old Siberian Husky go on many adventures hiking, kayaking and exploring what they can in Ohio. She also loves pizza. 

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