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Color Closeup- Our Pinks

Color Closeup- Our Pinks
Category: Blogs
Views: 16002

This blog is a little peek into our pinks, paired with some common items so that you can see what they look like without having to order samples!

Whether you’re putting together your baby girl’s nursery, stylizing an Audrey Hepburn quote, or just matching a wall runner to your comforter, we have a pink for you! This blog is SWEET (mostly because I got to eat the cotton candy when I was done photographing it)! The pink comparison items used were cotton candy (as mentioned), a pink highlighter, Sweet n' Low sugar packets, and our pink installation tools.

Most of you are probably asking yourself: “What the heck is a pink installation tool?” Don’t fret, the majority of our customers have never ordered from our company before, and more often than not, have never even applied a wall decal. Our company provides a free (very pink) installation tool in every order, so if you have ordered from us before, you will know what shade of pink it is. Here is the comparison between our pinks and the installation tools that we send.




The closest shade of pink we have to the installation tool is probably Bubble Gum #428, with Soft Pink #45 in a very close second. In this image, you can plainly see that Magenta #430 is very dark compared to the rest of the pinks, but has little difference from Hot Pink #41. Hot Pink #41 is just a tiny bit brighter than Magenta #430. Carnation #429 is obviously the lightest pink and the true paleness of it is exemplified here. The next example shows our pinks compared to a pink highlighter.



The paleness of Carnation #429 is shown here again. The difference between Bubble Gum #428 and Hot Pink #41 is also shown perfectly here. It can be seen that the closest pink we have to a highlighter is probably Soft Pink #45, but unfortunately we don’t have any pinks that are that bright. The next example shows our pinks next to the Sweet n' Low sugar packets.



Soft Pink #45 and Carnation #429 are fierce competitors when it comes to determining which is the most similar to the packet’s pink color. I love the way the Magenta #430 and Hot Pink #41 colors are so bold in this photo, but it tricks you into thinking that Hot Pink #41 is darker than it really is. Don't be fooled! Hot Pink #41 isn’t too much darker than Bubble Gum #428. The difference between all of the pinks can be seen best in the next comparison, I think.



Yum! I wish I hadn’t eaten all of this so fast! If you ignore the blue cotton candy, you can see that Carnation #429 isn’t as pale as the pink cotton candy, but is still our palest pink. Again, the difference between Bubble Gum #428 and Hot Pink #41 is not that drastic.

Feel free to let us know if this blog helped you and if you have any other color comparison suggestions! As a reminder we do offer FREE color samples every day at absolutely no cost to you if your time frame allows for it. We send them out on a postcard via USPS, so this is the perfect way to see the colors in person and really decide for yourself! In the event that you have questions about anything, give us a call. In order to achieve supreme customer service, we take phone calls from 10am-5pm EST, Monday-Friday at 800-615-6473. If talking on the phone isn’t your thing, you can send questions via email to info@tradingphrases.com and one of us will respond within 24 hours.

Remem ber, your walls should make you smile!

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