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Make Over a Milk Can!

Make Over a Milk Can!
Category: Crafts
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Do you have an old object lying around that you want to use and beautify? We had an old milkcan that we turned into an awesome welcoming piece for a porch! Read inside for directions.

Easy Milk Can Makeover with Decals

I bought an old milk can years ago at a garage sale. I always meant to do something with it, but never really had the time. Well, fast forward a few years. My porch is bare and my husband is trying to throw away my milk can when we're cleaning out the garage. A light bulb goes off and I rescue it from his clutches. A little black paint here, a vinyl decal there, and voila! My boring, dingy milk can was transformed into something eye-catching and welcoming for my porch! Want to know how I did it? Read the steps below!

Easy steps:

  1. Buy a vinyl decal from Trading Phrases! Here's the one I started with.
  2. Get a hold of an old milk can. .
  3. Paint the milk can any color you want. However, we recommend a paint that prevents rust. 
  4. Wait at least 24 hours  after the paint is dry for the it to cure, then apply the decal onto the milk can.
  5. (Optional) Seal your decal by brushing on water-based polyurethane. I didn't do this, but you may want to if it is going to see a lot of unforgiving weather. It will help your project last longer!


You don't have to stick with 'welcomeeither. Consider adding a monogram, a house number, or a family motto to the can. I'm still trying to decide what to do with the other side, so stay tuned for the B side transformation coming to a blog near you!


ps. You can find the wine quote here... 


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About the Author

Morgan Battisti

IT analyst turned business owner, Morgan is the creative director at Trading Phrases--making walls beautiful one design at a time.


Phone:    800-615-6473

Text:        614-500-4189

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