Home » Business Purchasers

Business Purchasers

There are a number of ways to order from Trading Phrases for your school, organization, or business. 

Purchasing options:

We accept all types of payment options to meet your business needs:

1. Credit / debit card--payable during checkout (fastest method--no delay in processing)

2. PayPal--payable at checkout (fastest method--no delay in processing)

3. e-Check purchases--drawn from your personal or business account; payable during checkout (1-2 day delay)

4. Purchase Orders--we contact you for payment details prior to processing your order (3-4 day delay)

5. Phone Ordering--we contact you for payment details prior to processing your order (3-4 day delay)


How to place a Purchase Order  

1.       Place items in your cart, then click "Checkout".

2.       Enter your billing and shipping information (Billing information is entered first, if the addresses are different.   Then simply check “Ship to a different address” to enter your Shipping information)

3.       Choose your shipping method. Note: rush processing gets it out the door faster, but if you really need it fast, please consider choosing an expedited shipping method.

4.       Select “Purchase Order” as your payment method.  Be sure to enter your information for all the required fields.

5.       If you need to give us any additional information and instructions, be sure to include it in the Customer Comment box.  This could include shipping instructions, or anything that your Accounts Payable department requires of us to submit payment.

6.       Submit your order!

7.       Call us at 800-615-6473, or we will call you once we review your order, to confirm your information.  We will also need to know the contact information of your Accounts Payable department, so please have that information ready.

8.       Once we confirm your order with you over the phone, your order will go right into processing and will be shipped within 2-3 business days.  If you chose our Rush Processing option, it will be shipped out the next business day.  

9.       Enjoy new decals!


Frequently Asked Questions

My company is tax exempt.  Will I be charged sales tax?

A: You will only be charged sales tax on your online order if you are located in the state of Ohio.  If that is the case, please let us know your Tax ID number in the Customer comment box.  We will adjust your order total and send you a new invoice.

Will I receive an invoice?
A: Yes, you will be emailed an invoice once your order is put into processing, which will happen after we speak to you to confirm your information.  If you need a paper invoice mailed to your accounts payable department or if you need an invoice emailed to you, you can request one.

What if my company requires a W9 and/or vendor forms to be filled out?

Request a W9 (email link)

You can fax (888-316-4775) or email any forms to info@tradingphrases.com  and we will fill them out and return them to you in a timely manner. Our mailing address for physical forms is below.

When is payment due?

Our payment terms are NET30.  Payment is due 30 days after your purchase date. Late payments may incurr a late payment penalty. We will happily accept payments in the form of check or credit card. 

What if my business requires us to provide you with our own Purchase Orders forms?

You can certainly email, mail or fax your Purchase order!  Once we receive it, we will enter your order and you will receive an email invoice once we speak with you to confirm your information. 

How to reach us:

Email: info@tradingphrases.com

Fax:  888-316-4775

Mailing Address: 

Trading Phrases

200 Oak St

Columbus, OH 43235

Company Store Links (limited to authenticated purchaser access only):

Bright Horizons

4 Design, Ltd 

Contact us to inquire about having your exclusive category of designs available for your business network today!


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