I've seen it, now I must have it. How about you? Want to win a few packs, free? Read more!
I've got a new obsession- gold confetti dots. Thankfully, I work at a lovely place, Trading Phrases, that can harbor this love- and to reciprocate I'm writing this fantastic blog here to show YOU how you can also get the look.
I am on Pinterest, a lot. I do all of the pinning/posting/hearting/commenting for the Trading Phrases pinterest page, (hard job, right? You should follow us/me!) and so I come across things often that I just MUST have. This is one of those things.... and it is so simple, I've been kicking myself for days- why didn't I think of this?! I compiled a few of my favorite images and put them in collage format, below.
Adorable, right?
In the coming week I am going to "confetti dot" my daughter's pink playroom in our cabinet under the stairs- she's too young to get the Harry Potter connection, and desperately wanted HOT PINK, so I had to cave- for now. I'm thinking these darling dots will help calm the pink and bring a bit more fashionable flair to the otherwise glaringly pink, tiny room. Check back for updates on that!
In the meantime I've assembled a product on our website that has four different sized dot packs you can choose from- tiny (1" dots), small (2" dots), medium (4" dots) and large (8" dots) for only $24.99 you can get as many as 400 dots to scatter about. Bonus- for only $10 more you can add a second, and third, pack with the same amount of dots (it is almost like buy one get the next two at more than 50% off). The bonus about this is that not only can you have ONE color of dots, you can create a whole "sprinkle" type of look with multiple colors without breaking the bank.
Now, my biggest conundrum is if I like them "flowing" from a corner or object like they are in free-fall, slowly getting more spaced out near the bottom... or do I like it better uniformed and spaced perfectly? I am certainly leaning toward the confetti falling look since it would be a lot easier to pull off (no measuring!!), but in a tiny room I'm just not sure!
Want to win a few packs yourself? Simple! Go to our facebook page and SHARE the photo of our dots with your friends, then comment and tell us what you'd do with them- that simple!- Click here to get there!
Winners will be drawn Wednesday 6/18 and announced the next day! The only stipulation- we want to see photos of what you do with them!
P.S. - Get your dots HERE and share your project with ME!!
P.P.S - Someone recently told me that these dots also look amazing on glass vases and other accent pieces if you don't want to do an entire wall! Just a little design tip from me to you, because I think that would look fabulous!
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