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Idea File: Updating Mirrored Closet Doors

Idea File: Updating Mirrored Closet Doors
Category: Crafts
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Views: 36385
Synopsis: Change the look of a mirrored closet door by using decals for a fresh and fun update.

Idea File: Updating Mirrored Closet Doors

Mirrored closets were all the rage circa 1982. Mirrored doors can definitely serve a purpose by bouncing precious light around, let you check your look before heading out the door, and of course hiding a multitude of shopping sins within the closet. If you’re facing a mirrored closet and wondering how to update it, vinyl is the perfect answer. New installations have updated the look a bit with frameless options, but a mirror is still a mirror, and it is the perfect medium for a bit of closet creativity.

 We’ve all seen some basic block shape updates that provide a contemporary, clean look.  Other options are to include a favorite quote or series of quotes that inspire you. Consider a satin gold, copper, or silver to compliment the shimmery mirror effect. The words help break up the mirror visually, while still letting the mirror serve it’s purpose overall.

Add some fun graphic designs to add a touch of whimsy to your space, or add a monogram for a more classic traditional look. Frosted vinyl is the perfect medium to add a design without it overpowering the mirror. The effect is instant and absolutely removable, which is perfect for rentals or converting spaces as your needs change.  Whatever your style, vinyl is an affordable solution to your mirrored door problems. 

Morgan, Trading Phrases

About the Author

Morgan Battisti

IT analyst turned business owner, Morgan is the creative director at Trading Phrases--making walls beautiful one design at a time.


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