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DIY Block Calendar

DIY Block Calendar
Category: Crafts
Views: 10448
Synopsis: Here's a cute, simple DIY calendar you can use every day, year after year!


DIY Block Calendar 

We had so much fun with our recent holiday block project that we couldn't help ourselves...we wanted more blocks!  We created a super simple calendar that you can use year after year and customize to match your decor. Check out our super simple DIY, and get started! 

The Goods:
  • The wood - we found a kit at JoAnn's that was ready to go with all the pieces we needed. You can get that here. You can also create your own blocks by cutting down wooden square dowels of different sizes to create your own personal size. 
  • Vinyl stickers for months and days here
  • Sanding paper - medium and fine grit
  • Paintbrush - a natural bristle or foam broash will do just fine
  • Wood stain - we used a red mahogany here

The Process:
First, I lightly sanded my wooden pieces with medium grit sandpaper and cleaned them off with a dry cloth. Next, I applied one coat of my chosen wood stain and laid them out to dry. 

Once they had thoroughly dried, I sanded them each with fine grit sandpaper to get a really nice, smooth surface, making sure to wipe them clean after: first with a dry cloth and second with a damp cloth. Wait for the wood to dry completely before moving on.

Next I made 3 groups of 4 for the months and applied each group to the sides of a block:
  • January, February, March, April
  • May, June, July, August
  • September, October, November, December
and grouped the numbers into 2 groups that I applied to each side of a block:
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 (six will double as 9)


And done! You could use paint instead of wood stain if you'd like or you could even apply the decals first, paint over that, then peel off the decals to leave the original wood color underneath!
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