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THUMBS UP to our Brand New Product

THUMBS UP to our Brand New Product
Category: Blogs
Views: 21779

These thumbprint guest books are a huge hit! Not only are they a great idea for weddings, baby showers and graduations... but they make a fabulous gift for teachers, also! Where would you use one?

You may not give a lot of thought to your finger prints. Yes, you've heard the gory stories about using them for identification in unfortunate circumstances...but, have you ever thought of making art with them? I have a two-year-old daughter who LOVES to fingerpaint. At the office one day, we had her playing with some stamp pads and I was struck with an idea. I googled thumb print art and got some really funky finds (below), but what I really fell in love with- and was already thinking of myself- were thumb print guest books



An idea was born and I scrambled to get my designers to start brainstorming and drawing up ideas. Fully stocked with pencils and creativity, we set to work and cranked out several really cool designs (below). We can't draw fast enough to keep up with all of the ideas we have for these.Believe me, there are some fun things coming your way! 



Essentially the idea is that we provide you with a hand drawn (scanned in) printed art piece, personalized with your information for your particular event. Your guests come and to "sign in" to your event as an alternative to a guest book. They can add their thumb print to the art (see below). As an additional step, they can initial or add their signature to their thumbprints as well. 



We recently appeared at a local bride show and brought a few of these with us. They were a huge hit! Everyone wanted to "sign in" to our booth, adding their own balloon to our UP house! Not only is this an exciting way to sign the guest book for your event, but you can then take the art and hang it up in your home as a beautiful piece that will have you remembering happy days every time you see it. 


Our UP House Design Showcased at the Bridal Show

I am fairly certain this is my daughter's favorite product that we offer. Setting up for photos, she had a BLAST adding her little fingerprints to the designs for us. Seeing her little hands adding these thumbprints gave me another idea. These would be SUCH a fabulous gift for teachers at the end of the year from the class- or even at the beginning of the year getting to know their students! As soon as this idea struck, we started to alter some of our existing designs and came up with great teacher-oriented prints (Two trees Here, and Here, a schoolhouse, and our hot air balloon) specifically for this purpose. We are really excited about the different avenues this product can go down! We already have many ideas for birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and of course weddings! I only wish I had thought of this before my daughter's baby shower all of those years ago. It would've made beautiful art in her nursery. It would have been awesome to look at it and be reminded of all those who loved her before she was even here. I can't imagine anything sweeter. 

Our Teacher Tree Design

We hope you love these as much as we do! By all means, if you have a fabulous idea for these or would like a custom design made for you, please let us know and we'll do our best to make it happen! We are so excited about the response we continue to receive on these and can't wait to make some more to show you!


You can find our selection of our current prints available HERE. These start at just $35 with several size and paper options available to you. 

Invaluable to this project are Jeff Meade, Greg Bedalli, and Katelyn Pslek- our artists and designers! 



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