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Hugely Popular Customer Photo

Hugely Popular Customer Photo
Category: Blogs
Views: 30213
Synopsis: This Photo took our facebook page by STORM last week.... let us know what you think!

Holli K submitted this to her designer Katie last week and instantly she forwarded it my way. This design started out as a custom piece to fit in the customer's open space by her stairs, but the result was more beautiful than either of them had anticipated!

The white of the wording pops so beautifully from the grey wall, and the wood accents really make this look like a place you'd want to call home. Not only this, but the phrase really encaptures what a lot of people want to express in their home- and Holli was able to do this right by her front entrance. 

Normally we try to shy away from posting religious, spiritual, or controversial designs on our facebook page. In the past when we've done this we've had people verbally attacking each-other on our page, which is not awesome. Heck, for Thanksgiving one of our designers tried to hit the younger market a little with the trending design "Happy Turkey Day" and posted it to our page- we got over 20 negative comments and lost just as many fans! Sometimes we get suprised by things that will set people off... so we were nervous to post this one- we shouldn't have been! 

As soon as it hit it went viral. As of today the photo has 296 shares, 154 comments and almost 2,000 likes! Wow. Most of the comments were incredibly supportive- asking for more of this. We can certaily deliver, we have 30 PAGES of religious and spiritual designs HERE and this particular design HERE. So, thank you Holli... you really opened our eyes to what people on our facebook page want. And- I would love to trade houses with you anytime! 

This photo actually promted us to have a photo contest. Read the details about that here on this BLOG. We hope you enter, we love having and sharing your photos! :) 

Thanks again Holli,




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