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Installation Advice

Installation Advice
Category: Blogs
Views: 22564

While we are fairly confident you will not be in a circumstance where you can't get your decal to go on the wall properly- we do have this guide to help you out if you do. 

While we are fairly confident you will not be in a circumstance where you can't get your decal to go on the wall properly- we do have this guide to help you out if you do. 

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Nearly all of our decals go on easy-peasy, but If you are having trouble getting your decal to stick- we've been there! Certain types of paint, freshly painted surfaces, highly textured surfaces or even cold decals (yes, you read that right) can give you some installation nightmares! Never fear, TP is here! While we are fairly confident you will not be in a circumstance where you can't get your decal to go on the wall properly- we do have this guide to help you out if you do. 

We've heard it all, we've tried it all, and we're here to help you! 

1. Simple: follow our instructions & watch the videos, they do help!
2. Try a hair dryer- it sounds funny, but when decals get cold (like on your delivery truck or front step) the glue on them gets less tacky- the warmer they are (okay, don't stick them in the oven) the better they will adhere. 
3. Try the practice piece- that is why we send them! This spring we are sending you three little birdies- cut them apart and try different surfaces :) 
4. Ask for help! Decals are so much easier to install with an extra set of hands- especially the large ones. 
5. Rub it down firmly- make sure you push it into all the cracks and crevices- this helps it stick & also makes it look more authentic/ hand painted if your texture shows, too! 
6. Call or email us- we are here to help you and are always standing by... no question is a bad question! If you are still having problems we can help you out in other ways. 

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