Graduation Cap Thumbprint Guestbook
Make your special day extra special with our new Thumbprint Guestbooks. Have your guests sign into your Graduation Party by creating a fabulous bundle of balloons with their thumbprints. This is a great modern alternative to the traditional guestbook signing. Have guests sign in with only a thumbprint, thumbprint & initials, or thumbprint & name. After the Party, frame the guestbook for a beautiful art display in your home or dorm reminding you of your special day and all of your closest friends and family. Each of our unique designs were hand drawn by our talented artists and saved into a file to be printed for your event. Each one is customized with your name, school, and graduation date, so no two prints are alike (especially after your special guests sign in!)
Each print is also offered on two different types of material:
Artistic Matte Graphic Canvas
Matte Premium Thick Paper
The colors used for the thumbprints are completely in your hands. Ink pads for thumbprints are not included. We found our ink pads very inexpensively on Also, a Fine Tip Sharpie permanent black marker works great for having guests write in initials or names on their thumbprints!
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Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-17-2013 08:49 PM
Views: 21786
These thumbprint guest books are a huge hit! Not only are they a great idea for weddings, baby showers and graduations... but they make a fabulous gift for teachers, also! Where would you use one?
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Customer feedback
Jenny Grantham
May 28, 2014
This customer purchased the item at our site.
We got one of these for our class thank you gift for Mrs. Anderson's 4th grade class. The kids had a great time with it, and it was a really cute gift for her.
Advantages: Easy to frame as a gift
Disadvantages: A bit messy for a project, but the kids really had fun doing it.

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