Adorable D-I-Y Stocking/Stockings Hanger
Category: Crafts
Author: Samantha Vargo
Posted: 12-04-2013 05:24 PM
Views: 26974
Perfect for those of you without a fireplace to hang your stockings on- this stocking hanger is not only CRAZY easy to make but also really fun to get the kids involved with!
NEW Adhesive Photo Collage FAQ
Category: Blogs
Posted: 04-15-2014 08:30 PM
Views: 25797
These amazing new collages have everyone asking questions- mainly OMG IS THIS FOR REAL? But also things like... how do I set it up? We've answered all of this and more in the following blog (and yes, this is for real).
Say "I Do" with Wedding Decals
Category: Articles
Posted: 07-09-2011 04:56 PM
Views: 25339
Synopsis: Wedding decorating ideas that won't break the bank using vinyl decals and designs. Includes tips and tricks for using wall quotes in weddings.
We're In Stitches
Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-13-2013 04:32 PM
Views: 24313
Synopsis: BATTER UP! Our new baseball stitches are a home-run
Top 10 Ways to Decorate Dorms with Decals
Category: Blogs
Posted: 08-05-2011 04:54 PM
Views: 24247
Synopsis: Looking for inspiration for dorm decorating? We've got the top 10 ways to decorate your dorm using wall decals. Decals take up zero floor space (bonus), and are colorful and whimsical--perfect for updating that dorm space!
Make Over a Milk Can!
Category: Crafts
Author: Morgan Battisti
Posted: 07-18-2014 04:23 PM
Views: 23388
Do you have an old object lying around that you want to use and beautify? We had an old milkcan that we turned into an awesome welcoming piece for a porch! Read inside for directions.
Get Back In The Groove!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 04-01-2014 07:51 PM
Views: 23374
As New Years Resolutions fall by the wayside- we have a way to spark your inspiration to get back in the saddle- erm, weight room.
What are Wall Decals Anyway?
Category: Articles
Posted: 07-21-2011 04:54 PM
Views: 22663
Synopsis: Have you ever wondered what decals actually are or how they're made? Get the scoop here!