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Blogs Entries

Parade of Homes- Ohio
Parade of Homes- Ohio
Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-23-2013 04:31 PM
Views: 18562

Our decals have been featured in the Parade of Homes before, but this year we are going big...in THREE houses!

THUMBS UP To Teachers!
THUMBS UP To Teachers!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-22-2013 04:31 PM
Views: 28255

If you are searching for the perfect end of year gift to give your child's teacher- we may have just created the perfect thing! They launched 4 days ago and we've been printing them like crazy!

Color Closeup - Our Reds
Color Closeup - Our Reds
Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-21-2013 04:31 PM
Views: 18743

We get a lot of questions from people asking what our colors look like in person (screen colors can vary)- we do offer FREE color samples, but if you don't have time for that this blog can help you with our red colors.

Motivation Strikes
Motivation Strikes
Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-20-2013 04:31 PM
Views: 6605

Surrounded by motivational and inspiring phrases day in and day out we've finally let it sink in- and we are getting active!

THUMBS UP to our Brand New Product
THUMBS UP to our Brand New Product
Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-17-2013 08:49 PM
Views: 21832

These thumbprint guest books are a huge hit! Not only are they a great idea for weddings, baby showers and graduations... but they make a fabulous gift for teachers, also! Where would you use one?

We're In Stitches
We're In Stitches
Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-13-2013 04:32 PM
Views: 24240
Synopsis: BATTER UP! Our new baseball stitches are a home-run
The Building Blocks of an AWESOME Boy's Room!
The Building Blocks of an AWESOME Boy's Room!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 04-18-2013 03:29 PM
Views: 22349
Synopsis: Never fear mothers- you don't have to be pigeon-holed into decorating your boys room in a SPORTS, construction, etc. theme- we've got you covered with hundreds of ideas & the decals to support them (or the ability to bring your own design to life with a custom design)!
Installation Advice
Installation Advice
Category: Blogs
Posted: 03-26-2013 04:33 PM
Views: 22505

While we are fairly confident you will not be in a circumstance where you can't get your decal to go on the wall properly- we do have this guide to help you out if you do. 

Follow Us!
Follow Us!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 03-25-2013 04:33 PM
Views: 8447
Synopsis: Want the best deals, advice and images? Follow us!
Wood Paneling Woes
Wood Paneling Woes
Category: Blogs
Posted: 03-14-2013 04:33 PM
Views: 37973
Synopsis: Guest blogger Katie wrote about our products on wood paneling!

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