I work in a place that I am surrounded (literally) by inspiring words, quotes and images day in and day out. So why- after 5 years of working here- am I just now starting to put some of those to use in my personal life? Good question! I don't know if it was years of looking in the mirror and not being fully happy, starting to see an uptick in the workout decals sold this year, or my husband training for a marathon. Whatever it is, it is working.
About 2 months ago, I started riding my bike to work every day. At first, that terrified me because I had to ride on a busy road, but now I've planned my ride around rush hour. I commute to work on two wheels and it has been amazing! Not only this, but I'm biking with my husband every weekend as he trains for a marathon (13 miles this week) and riding my bike to the grocery store, gym, and park.

Adorable, isn't she?
One thing I truly love about this job is the support I receive from my family and friends at the office. Many have joined me at the gym or in the park. Others still are going to classes and getting fit themselves. It's amazing to ride into work, have such a fulfilling day bringing inspiration into others' homes with our wall decals, and then ride home to my family.
Check out some of my favorite workout & motivational decals from Trading Phrases (shown in gyms and home-gyms across the WORLD) below.