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Follow Us!

Follow Us!
Category: Blogs
Views: 8448
Synopsis: Want the best deals, advice and images? Follow us!

Okay so we know that social media has replaced real socialization in almost every way- you find out on facebook what your friends are doing, who is having a new baby and even get invited to parties. People tweet, + and thumbs up everything. Yet, a simple thing that many people do NOT know about social media is that businesses are swooping in and using this engagement to connect with their customers in a way that you would have never thought possible. 


Now you can message a company and tell them how much you love them (or not) you can post pictures, find deals, and even share with your friends your favorite products and services. It is truly amazing, and as the person who manages social media for our company- I've been completely blown away by our social media presence and fans. We can post something for you to vote on, and within an hour have over 100 comments, we can write about something asking for opinion and know exactly what our customers want in a day- it has been so beneficial for us, and I think it makes us a better company! 


If you would like to become a fan on our social networks not only can you give us input on what you like or don't like about sales, designs and anything else- but you then have the first access to knowing about our biggest promotions, coupons and new products- we even give out free designs just for the heck of it!


Without further adieu, links to our social media sites so you can keep up! 



Our facebook is our favorite way to reach our customers- with over 32,000 fans (and growing) we constantly have something exciting going on! Give-aways, contests, customer photos, and great design advice... we've got it all!



We were one of the first companies on Pinterest when it launched- and we have cultivated it ever since! Check out our page and get great inspiration- not only with our decals, but crafts, interior decorating, cooking, photography, etc- it is a minor obsession of mine.



Google + we know is still not a HUGE social media site yet, but we have an account and if you'd like to follow us we do post things there that we don't anywhere else. :) 



YouTube- we have a channel with our videos, not only installation, but also customer videos and tutorials! 



Twitter- we're all a twitter about social media. Follow us!



Sign up for our newsletter HERE and I guarantee you that you will find the best deals we offer. :) Since this changes every month I don't have an image for you to look at, but I promise you that if you are looking for coupons- this is your very best bet. Our newsletter subscribers get all the best deals, no, really. 


Any other sites we should know about? Please tell us! Thank you so much for being our fans, it is a blessing. 

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