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Halloween Decals

Halloween Decals
Category: Blogs
Views: 10721

Goblins and Ghouls unite! It'sHalloween season!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year and it’s not too far away. There’s something about hot apple cider, candy, costumes, and running around after dark getting spooked that really is my ideal night of fun. Some people though (I’m sure you have one in your neighborhood) are Halloween fanatics. They turn their entire house into a haunted house for the night or their yard is covered in moving, talking decorations.


I love Halloween, but I’m not one of those people. More power to those Halloween decoration aficionados, because those houses always look amazing...but I just don’t have the time to put up a display like that or the space to store all those decorations year after year. Before I came to Trading Phrases, I’d just carve a pumpkin or two, put a creepy dangling spider above my door, dress up, and hand out candy. Then I learned how easy decals are to apply and how great wall decals look as decoration!


So this post is all about Halloween. Come along, my pretties, for some great decoration ideas for this holiday!



Here’s a really great design that you can use in two ways! It’s a fall tree, but without the leaves, it definitely pulls off that “spooky and gnarled” thing that’s iconic in Halloween decorations. With the leaves applied, though, it’s a cute fall tree.  This goes great in an entryway, so when you open the door to give out candy, the kids see this. This also goes great outside on a front door or garage door.






Who doesn’t love witch decorations on Halloween? They’re a Halloween staple. Some of our designs are silly, some are more graphic intensive, and some have great Halloween quotes to go with them! These designs look fantastic inside or outside, especially on your front door. 


This design was a staple in our office for a long time. We had a skeleton (we named him Mortimer)  up in our offices until we redecorated recently. It’s a fun, cute design, available in multiple sizes to fit any space. We have a close to life-sized version that looks absolutely spooky on a darker front door in white vinyl. It’s also great on the inside of a closet door in black to make everyone jump! This is one of our favorite Halloween decorations. It was also featured in HGTV's Junk Gypsies show!! 



These is a cute, subtle design that when someone sees it, it will make them grin. Not big on huge decorations that you have to take up and down but want something cute and understated to get into the Halloween spirit? This would be the decal for you. The little monster can be peeking out from a cupboard, stairs, a bookcase, a toilet, or anywhere else!


There’s another plus to decorating with decals this Halloween! Our decals are easy to put up, a snap to remove, and they don’t damage the paint on whatever surface you apply it to! So, the day after Halloween you aren’t stuck rolling up a huge inflatable pumpkin or struggling to put a life-sized plastic skeleton back into its box like your neighbors. You peel our decals off like a sticker and it’s done. Ready for Thanksgiving!



Another favorite around here is our pumpkin face decals. We have several different sets, so you can choose the faces that work best for your porch this year. HGTV Magazine is going to be featuring them in their fall magazine really soon! We can't wait! You don't have to carve your pumpkin (read; no cutting yourself, no guts, and no rotting, no flames!) and it will stay cute much longer than a carved pumpkin. Want to know a secret? You can apply these to fake pumpkins and bring it out every year. Then you never have to carve or buy a pumpkin again! these are also cute on luminaries- read our DIY here! 


As always, if you purchase decals from us, please send us back pictures of your beautiful walls! There will be an awesome coupon in it for you and we love to use customer images on our website! Trading Phrases always offers free shipping on orders over $75, free color samples, and a free practice design and installation tool are included with every order! Don’t forget that our friendly customer service staff is always available via e-mail and phone to help you out with your trickiest decal problems!


Remember… your walls should make you smile! 


-Jessica, Trading Phrases CSR

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