3 results found
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Laura Cunningham
Jun 18, 2014
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I made this photo collage for my mom for Mother's Day of her grandkids. I thought it would be nice, but when I opened it I was amazed at how beautiful it turned out! The colors were perfect, and it was excellent quality. I've seen people post on Pinterest how to get an 'engineering print' for cheap from Staples and then do some funky framing or faux canvas, but this is so much better and less messy that I can't imagine why anyone would do the Staples route!. It looks gorgeous on my parents wall! I highly recommend and am sharing this with all my girlfriends! So glad I found Trading Phrases!
Advantages: Amazing quality, great service and I received it so quickly!

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Barbara M.
Jun 17, 2014
I couldn't believe how easy it was to get my photos in such an amazing display--even some from Facebook!
I used pictures of my friends and family from our recent vacation and it looks great! The site was easy to use and I received my photo collage in days after approving the proof. Thank you!
Advantages: They threw in free decals!
Disadvantages: Took a while to choose the right photos--we have so many. LOL!

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Rick Sutter
Jun 17, 2014
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Loved the quality.
I've been looking for a great printing company to help me get my photos of my ideas onto wallpaper and this turned out better than I expected.
Amazing prices and quick delivery.
Advantages: Fast Delivery. Quality Printing.

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