Category: Articles
Posted: 08-30-2013 02:07 PM
Views: 5184
Synopsis: Back to School, Customer Photos, Sale announcement and Upcoming Designs!
School Is In Session
Many of you have just sent, or are just about to send your kids to school for a new year. Whether they are in preschool, college, or somewhere between you are both pulling your hair out, drying your eyes and breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Your home (and your wits) are showing wear after a summer of fun, and it needs a little pick (me) up. Your whirlwind cleaning adventure makes the house sparkly again, but it is missing something (and not just chocolate fingerprints)... and we can help you with that!
Decals are an easy way to spruce up your home affording a whole new beautiful look with very little effort! We definitely recommend our best sellers and designer favorites, but if you are looking for something for a classroom or a teacher gift you should check these out, also! We wrote a blog just for you, moms! Read it by clicking here. |
Summer Photos
We have had an overwhelming amount of amazing customer photos come in this summer, and since it is too hard to share these one by one on our social networks (though, we do try- on facebook ) we decided to put them all in one place for you all to see, here.
I know you are going to be as blown away as we are with these stunning homes and incredibly creative and inspiring images.
Read the blog for about 40 photos and links!
Oh, and in case you didn't know- we do offer coupons for customers that share their photos with us- so if you have a photo to share, please do so, and get a discount on your next purchase! |
Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, photos, or even just want to chat about design- we are always here to help!
Samantha & Morgan
Great Deal On Grab Bag Decals |
If you don't know what grab bag deals are- you are missing out!
Some of our best decals at up to 90% off! Read more about what they are HEREand even snag yourself a nice coupon for further savings.
You really don't want to miss out on this! |
Coming Soon... |
We've got a really exciting new project underway- and just in time for the holidays and potlucks... etching pyrex and glass!
We are working on products/designs, tutorials, and maybe even a video for you! Keep your eye out in the next month for the launch of FUN! |
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