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What's Trending I

What's Trending I
Category: Blogs
Views: 5754
Synopsis: Everyone needs some help with their home renovations from time to time... whether it is gutting and starting over or simple furniture re-arranging, we are in the business to help you with your interior inspirations.

Welcome to 2013! If one of your resolutions this year is to get your home to its happiest self- we can help you out. We have all the information on what is trending, what is here to stay, and what little, affordable fixes you can do to fix up your place in a pinch. 

Recently for our newsletter I wrote about these easy ways to make your home feel like a whole new place, and I wanted to share them with you here! 

Give your home a facelift to face the year in these 5 simple (and affordable) steps. 

1.Paint - a fresh coat of paint will give your house totally new meaning, and, if you are up for it... color! (hint: always check out the clearance paint section first- best bang for your buck!) Get inspired with THESE color swatches. Like the images below 

2. Re-arrange furniture- this one is FREE! Simply change your furniture around and enjoy your new perspective. What are you waiting for? It can always go back. 

3. De-clutter- Don't just throw away the old mail... Take a good hard look at EVERYTHING and pack away or purge everything you haven't used in 3 months or more. Seriously, I know this is hard. For things you are debating simply pack them away in a tub and stick them away in the garage. You might go back and grab an item or two... but you'll be surprised how many things you didn't need by the end of the year. Closet hint: turn all of your hangers around, and as you wear items, hang them back normally. At the end of the time you've set for yourself (3-6 months usually), you can easily see what you've actually worn, which makes the job of purging much easier!

4. Get your carpets and or grout cleaned- it may seem small, but wait and see what a huge impact it will make!

5. Add a few wall decals to blank walls or replace that dated artwork, add some pizzazz to your shower doors or fridge, add your house number to your mailbox or front door. You will be amazed what a few choice decals will do to inspire your space. I may be biased, but Trading Phrases definitely offers the best selection and quality!

If you work diligently you may be able to do this in the span of ONE weekend. It will be one HECK of a weekend, but I know you can do it!

Let me know how it turns out!


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