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Things that go Bump in the Night

Things that go Bump in the Night
Category: Blogs
Views: 6010

Artwork on the walls over your bed? You may want to rethink that!

It was a dark and stormy evening… rain was pelting the windows, but I was curled up on the couch with a good book and a steaming cup of coffee. The ‘thud’ sound I heard coming from my bedroom was both unexpected and a bit disconcerting. I put down the book and went to investigate. What I found made me shudder…

The rather large painting that had hung over our bed for the past 7 years was now lying ON my bed.  The sharp corners, I noticed, were indenting the pillows that we lay our heads on nightly. It turns out we have a leak in the flashing of the fireplace, and the horizontal rain had done its damage, softening the drywall and loosening the frame hanger.  We missed being bludgeoned by our favorite Steidel Print by a few hours.

Now owning a wall decal company, you’d think that I’d have decals everywhere. I have more than my fair share, but this is one area that we just never did anything with. Now that I’m contemplating the peril I’ve been in during each and every rainstorm, (and have I mentioned that Ohio is essentially a swamp—we get more rain than Seattle for Pete’s Sake!) I’m rethinking the notion of art over the bed.

I’ve touted the notion that wall decals are a safer alternative than hanging artwork over cribs for years. I just never extended that notion to my own bedroom. From now on, decals are the only thing I want over my head while I sleep. The statistics show that over 700 people die each year in the US after being struck by a falling object. I’ll bet there are countless more injuries that go unreported. In retrospect, trusting my safety to a ½ inch nail and a piece of gypsum drywall was not one of my better ideas. 

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