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2012 Top Sellers

2012 Top Sellers
Category: Blogs
Views: 14702
Synopsis: You asked- and we brought them to you... the 12 top selling products of 2012!


We had a great year in 2012 and hope you did too. We thought you might be interested to see our top 12 products from 2012. Just these 12 products sold a combined 2000 decals! We hope you love them as much as we do.

Dots & Circles Decal Pack

This fabulous pack is a great buy for someone trying to fill a large space for not much money- after you buy the first pack of dots all additional packs are only an additional $10/pack (up to 5 sheets). Check out some of the photos our customers sent in this year!

Home Is Where Love Resides

This design hails from a customer in the very first few months we started this business. Since then it is not only one of OUR most popular designs, but other sites have taken the idea and made their own just like ours also. Inspiring and beautiful it makes the perfect accent to your home.

Blossom Tree Large

Totally unique and beautiful- this tree is the picture of perfection. We were inspired from the idea of a “family tree” where you could put the tree on your wall and photos of your family members on top of the branches… since then our customers all over the world have adapted this tree for their own homes and even businesses! Check out some of the photos and you’ll see what we mean.

Family is Where Life Begins

… and love never ends! What a beautiful phrase for your beautiful family. If you want to remind your family every day how much they mean to you, this is the perfect design to put up in your home.

Bubble Dot Circles

This fanciful design is a modern take on our dots & circles pack. Some of the dots are hollow- meaning when you layer them with different colors you can really create a super special and unique look! The obvious location is a child’s bedroom- but we’ve seen these everywhere from all over your car to bathrooms and business desks! Just like our Dots & Circles pack we offer second, third and fourth packs for only $10 more!

Life is Not Measured

… by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. How incredibly motivating is this phrase? Reminding you to live each day to the fullest, this phrase would be beautiful in a place that you can see it day after day for a bit of inspiration.

These are the Moments

From what we can tell the most popular use of this phrase is above a picture wall highlighting the “moments” you are referencing. We love it!

Ornate Baroque

This stunning baroque design will come in a set of four of whichever style you choose (6 to choose from)  which you can spread out on your walls in a beautiful pattern. We’ve heard that these are beautiful in bathrooms, bedrooms and even on refrigerators!

The Laundry Room Sorting Out Life

One room that definitely needs a facelift is the laundry room. We have to admit that doing laundry is everyone’s favorite chore- right? Haha, if not this darling decal will certainly make the chore a little more beautiful.

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

How much time do we spend in trying to match a certain look or suffer through a 'stylish' haircut? This is a great design to let you give wings (butterfly wings, if you will) to the thought that beauty is much more than skin deep, and each of us has a special ability to 
sparkle if we let ourselves shine through. This is especially important for our teenagers this day and age.

I Believe in Pink

Since we created this design it has become wildly popular, which is fitting for the beautiful and inspiring actress that quoted it.

The Laundry Room Loads of Fun

Who knew that folding laundry could be such a fun time? Well, this design says it all, and the fact it is our 12th best seller for the year means that it must be LOADS of fun. 

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